Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How do you make "Scentsable" Decisions?

To make the choice to stay home and raise your children and only have one working parent is hard these days. You have to make tough decisions about finances which include bills, food, clothing, vacations (if any) and ways to bend without breaking, if you know what I mean! I learned the hard way to make this family of five function properly with one income, and I'm willing to share. 

The first thing I would say to do is figure out your budget. Cut the expense (or trim the fat) that you do not absolutely need. This could include extracurricular activities, or cutting down on shopping trips. It is what you and only you know what you can make it on to survive. No one else knows what you and your family need more than yourself. 

Next figure out a secure way to eliminate your debt, if you have any. Make a list of your bills, and start paying off the smallest one first and work your way down the line. There are credit counseling companies, but you can easily figure out what to do without them charging you monthly, just for them to pay your bills. Call your credit companies and ask for a reduction in interest rates, what's it hurt to ask? When I first heard that I laughed and never thought a company would do that. So, I picked up the phone and asked. And they dropped my apr in a mater of 5 minutes. 

Take these simple steps, and read on tomorrow for more help! Remember, I'm just a simple human being trying to help others in a difficult time. 

Wordless Wednesday